Aluminium windows – beautiful and durable
When the time comes to order new windows for your new build or renovation project, focused advice is no luxury. Style matters, of course, but so do other factors such as durability, price and quality. You may be wondering whether to go for PVC or aluminium windows. Aliplast explains why aluminium windows are the best investment for everyone.
PVC or aluminium windows?
The advantages of aluminium windows include long lifespan, easy maintenance, sturdy (and therefore suitable for large glass surfaces), strong insulation, colourfast and durable.
PVC windows have equally good insulation. They are less suitable for large surfaces and the material is more susceptible to scratches. Keep this in mind when comparing prices.
Aluminium windows: an environmentally conscious choice
Aluminium windows are 100% recyclable. This means that you can make new windows from old aluminium windows over and over again without sacrificing quality. This is one of the conditions of cradle to cradle, the ultimate sustainable touch of aluminium windows. Aliplast has 10 window systems with Silver Cradle to Cradle certification, a globally recognized benchmark for safer and more sustainable products with an eye on the circular economy. Producing aluminium windows is therefore sustainable, and buying aluminium windows is an environmentally conscious investment.
Aluminium windows last a lifetime
Another good thing to keep in mind: you don't need to paint or varnish aluminium windows. Powder-coated aluminium windows are not discoloured by sunlight, do not rust and will not crack or warp. Aluminium windows are available in lots of colours. The right shade on your aluminium windows takes your home to the next level. In terms of finish, you can choose between matt, gloss and textured paint. A different colour for the inside and outside is also an option. Aliplast even offers a colour range with a 25-year paint guarantee.
Aluminium windows are the ideal match for your home or project: Beauty, functionality and durability in the perfect balance - guaranteed by Aliplast.